5th Constituency Meeting of the Lithuanian Mission Field
Kaunas, Lithuania
At the moment Adventist church in Lithuania has 914 members. 76 people were baptized during the last three years. 3 new communities were established in Alsėdžiai, Daunoriai and Vilnius (2nd). The reports of the Lithuanian Mission Field’s officers stated that:
“During the last three years special attention was given to the local church with a purpose to develop a community sense among members and encourage them to create their own strategic plans for reaching to post-modern people. Spiritual revival camp meetings, training seminars for the lay members and elders on the topics of church planting and life development, helped ordinary members to use their gifts in ministry for the local communities.”
President of the Lithuanian Mission Field Bertold Hibner thanked BAUC and TED officers for their support in providing an opportunity for local ministers to continue their theological education. Two pastors completed their studies and graduated with BA in Religion in the academic program in Riga. Pastor B. Hibner admitted that although an important advance was achieved in the issues of state’s recognition of the Adventist church in Lithuania, the final decision of the Parliament of the Lithuanian state is still ahead of us.
The delegates of the Constituency meeting approved the new initiatives in the strategic plan for the following three years, with a special attention on planting and establishing new churches, consolidating of the existing churches and strengthening Adventist church influence in a local society.
The newly elected Executive Committee:
President – Bertold Hibner
Secretary / Treasurer – Deividas Vanagas
Director of Ministerial Department – Danielius Oželis
Coordinator of Global Mission – Giedrius Rimša
Pastor – Mindaugas Pikūnas
Member – Juvita Čepulienė
Member – Rūta Ardževanidzė
In his closing speech, the president of the Lithuanian Mission Field Bertold Hibner thanked ministers, leaders of departments, Bible workers and lay members for their work and dedication in serving and manifesting the Good News to the world and invited them to keep our focus on Jesus Christ in all matters of church’s live and ministry.
Mantas Kučinskas,
Lithuanian Mission Field Communication Director