New Accounting Software in BAUC
Riga, LATVIA. 17-28 October our Conferences and the Union treasurers and accountants gathered in Riga for the new accounting software version installation and training seminar. This new SunPlus software version 6.2 is the latest product our worldwide Church is using. During these two weeks we had to set up a separate server, to migrate all the data from the current database to the new one and to learn how to use the new application. In this process a big help was Anca Tanasa, SunPlus Coordinator from the TED, Josh Rosales – IT Specialist and Annie Velasco – Senior Support Specialist from the GC.
In the seminar we also discussed how to protect our data and about internet security. Josh Rosales who gave a lecture about these important questions said: “In a world where thermostats that manage room temperature get hacked and turned into microphones, there are always security measures to take in order to increase an organization’s security posture. BAUC has taken the right steps in order to reduce their attack surface, and minimize risk. Furthermore, they have wholeheartedly embraced the security best practices recommended by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and Chief Information Officer (CIO). By committing to regular cybersecurity training, BAUC will set themselves up for success when it comes to having cybersecurity-conscious staff within organization.”
Deividas Vanagas, Seventh-day Adventist Lithuanian Conference treasurer, has said: “The best thing in this SunPlus installation and training seminar was the team and good mood (atmosphere) which allowed without stress and pressure to learn some very new and important things. The new thing for us in the SunPlus system was that we learned to create a type of journals which give us opportunity to better organize all financial data. Second new thing for us was the preparation of different financial reports according to the Adventist Accounting Manual. This part still isn’t an easy task but we go forward by faith. So, we with joy are waiting 1 January 2017 when we will have an opportunity to start work with a new SunPlus 6.2 version accounting system.”
At the end of the seminar we were encouraged to do the Lord’s work with the modern technologies and were prepared to face current challenges. Thanks to all participants, treasurers and accountants for their dedication and faithful work!
Leaving Baltics Josh Rosales said: “I wish BAUC great success, as they have taken the first step in leveraging technology to increase stewardship efficiency. I commend TED’s Baltic Union Conference, Latvian Conference, Lithuanian Conference, Estonian Conference for their commitment to excellence not only in the areas for finances, but now cybersecurity. May our Lord continue to bless this wonderful initiative, along with each of the team members partaking of it.”
Zigurds Laudurgs, BAUC Treasurer