BAUC Leaders Train Lithuanian Pastors
5 September 2016, Kaunas, Lithuania. BAUC leaders met with the Lithuanian Conference church administration and pastors to discuss their ministry challenges and how to improve church mission in Lithuania. In the opening speech BAUC Secretary Guntis Bukalders encouraged church leaders to think how they could be blessing to somebody.
BAUC President David Nõmmik encouraged pastors and church leaders to be trainers of lay people in effective witnessing. He arranged pastors, bible and mission workers in four groups according to their temperaments in order to have teamwork. He mentioned that God deals with each according to his temperament and character, and we must cooperate with Him. He alone knows exactly the temperament of your prospect. Therefore, we must emphasize the vital necessity of depending on His guidance at every step. He also quoted a statement that says: “It is also true that if we can better understand how and why people think and act the way they do, then we will be able to witness to them in a more opportune manner. We can use their words, opinions, and thoughts to help explain the Bible in terms that will make sense to them.”
BAUC Treasurer Zigurds Laudurgs presented local church budget development plan as a tool for the church mission and growth. “It is always a blessing to meet with the Conference ministers. Exchanging our opinions we enriched each other,” explained Zigurds Laudurgs.
After the meeting BAUC leaders joined Lithuanian Conference Executive Committee members for the joint meeting to discuss pastor education programme development and the mission projects.