Biggest Bible Camp In Lithuania…
The majority of people attend the camp to deepen their commitment with God. This year seven people were baptised. “It is wonderful to begin your spiritual journey in such a big family of God’s people!” the new-born Christians expressed with enthusiasm.
Guest speaker of the week was Dr Daniel Duda, Director of Education and the Ministerial Association of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. His visit and preaching was felt as a blessing to those attending. After the event he remarked: “It is so good to see people of all age groups spending their holiday to experience the spirit of community and be exposed to Biblical teachings. It is inspiring not only for the members and friends with little connection to the church, but also for the speakers. I have been impressed with the willingness of people to learn, and grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Adventist church in Lithuania is certainly a church alive!”
Mantas Kucinskas/Daniel Duda/TED News Staff/TED News